Minions evolved from a single celled organism
into cylindrical shaped humanoids, yellow in colour and in most cases
having one or two eyes,
the one eyed minions are rarely tall,
        Minions live to serve loyally to a specific boss.
They  are not true life entities, on most cases minions serve an evil boss, like in the movie "DESPICABLE ME", they played their roles loyally to their boss, the character named "Gru".
       Actually, minions are not saying rubbish, they are speaking "minionese",
a language with the combination of Hindi, French, English, Italian and Spanish. 
       Minions naturally wear five styles of hair cut, tall minions all have the same haircut, minions only have three fingers,
they can resist freezing and do not need to breathe oxygen, the more reason they can survive in outer space, like in "Despicable me" when the character, "Doctor Nafario", invented an anti gravity portion which ended up sending one of them into space.

   Evil minions are purple in colour because on the color spectrum, yellow is on the opposite side of purple. They love music.

They love sweet things, they love banana, apple, ice cream  and sweets.

      And just in case you're interested in learning "minionese", we got some koine for you ;

One - Hana
Two - Dul
Three - Sae

Apples - Babbles/Papples
Ice cream - Gelato

Common phrase

Bottom - Buttom
Ass/butt - Butt
Chair - Chasy
Cheers - Kampai
Fire - bee do
Kiss Kiss - Muak Muak (like kissing sound)
Marriage - La boda
Stop - Stupa
Toy - Baboi
Ugly - Bananonina
What - Po ka
Hello - Bello
Goodbye - Poopaye
Thank you -Tank yu
I'm sorry - Bi-do
Can we start? - Pwede na?
For you - Para tu
How dare you? -Sa la ka!
I hate you - Tatata bala tu
I swear... - Underwear...
I'm hungry - Me want banana
Look at you - Luk at tu
We love you - Tulaliloo te amo

Please share And yes. HyCircle says Poopaye, tulaliloo te amo.! :) 
